Welcome to the AP Literature Discussion Board!

You will be on this site at least once a week and hopefully more than that! Respond thoughtfully and creatively and use textual evidence or outside resources if appropriate. Embrace fabulous literature and learn from each other!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

G-Bell- Due Friday, May 6th

Throughout the year, as a class, we have read, analyzed and discussed a variety of works in our process of unmasking the hidden wonders of literature. Theme is a common thread or repeated idea that is incorporated throughout a literary work. With the AP exams approaching, it is vitally important to be able to understand the variety of themes that we have discovered during our journey this year and be able to incorporate and apply them in essays and multiple choice questions. As a means of studying for the exam, pick a work that we have read this year in class. Analyze the major theme in the work and discuss how it crafts the characters and influences their actions overall. Each response should include three examples of the theme impacting individual characters or the importance of it on the work as a whole.

By: Kelsey Smith and Taylor Neuburg