Welcome to the AP Literature Discussion Board!

You will be on this site at least once a week and hopefully more than that! Respond thoughtfully and creatively and use textual evidence or outside resources if appropriate. Embrace fabulous literature and learn from each other!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

F Bell- Due Friday May the 6th

Among the books we have read this year there have been overlapping themes. For this blog identify shared themes from two (or more!) works we have read in class this year and discuss why your chosen theme is significant in the literary world.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Techniques Needed for Success on the AP Exam

In preparation for the AP Exam, utilize your knowledge of Hamlet to identify and analyze two specific examples of imagery used in the play.

-posted by Tyler, Kelsie, and McLeod

Saturday, April 23, 2011

AP Literature Review - F Bell Due April 29

Success is in the preparation.
With the AP exam a little under two weeks away, it is time to pack in the review. Pick one of the works we have studied this year and write an AP style essay prompt. After writing the prompt, write the organic thesis and outline how you would attack this essay. Remember to keep the thesis organic and not three pronged or any variation. The works we have read are as follow:
Their Eyes Were Watching God
The Metamorphosis
A Glass Menagerie
Heart of Darkness
A Prayer for Owen Meany
Ethan Frome
A Doll House

E Bell AP Review- Due April 29th

With the AP exam quickly approaching, it is time to begin reviewing and refresh our minds of our studies from this year to help us make a 5 on the exam. This blog post will help in remembering the novels we have read throughout the course of the year and also how to pick and analyze themes from literature. Choosing from the list of books below that we have read, pick and analyze a theme in the work and explain its significance within the novel. “How to Read Literature Like a Professor” may be helpful in analyzing the themes. As usual, be sure to use textual evidence.

Their Eyes Were Watching God
The Metamorphosis
A Glass Menagerie
Heart of Darkness
A Prayer for Owen Meany
Ethan Frome
A Doll House

Sunday, April 17, 2011

E Bell Heart of Darkness - Due Friday 22

Themes are fundamental ideas found throughout a novel. In "Heart of Darkness" the themes include: criticism of imperialism, madness, and the absurdity of evil. Imperialism is supposed to be a wonderful way of life, but Marlow finds that it is quite the opposite. Madness and imperialism go hand-in-hand in the novel. Marlow and Kurtz are confused as to how they should judge evil; who are they to judge someone's way of life and determine it to be evil?
Expand of each of these themes using textual evidence.

(Maura, Kelsey, Kevin)

Friday, April 15, 2011

F Bell-"Heart of Darkness" Due April 22

"Heart of Darkness" is a novella written by literary genius Joseph Conrad, whose first language was Polish. Conrad faced many trials and tribulations throughout his life including political prosecution and the loss of family. In this novella we see parallels between the lives of Conrad and his main character Marlow. Joseph Conrad incorporated many specific themes and symbols which further enhanced the overall meaning of human nature. Please select a theme or symbol from Conrade's "Heart of Darkness" and use textual evidence to show its importance in the overall message in the novella. Also, please refrain from being repetitive.

G BELL- Heart of Darkness Due April 22

Joesph Conrad’s novella, Heart of Darkness, is set in the wild of Africa on the Congo River. Throughout Marlow’s journey, he encounters several eye-opening experiences. Pick a theme or symbol seen throughout the novella and explain its significance both in the story and its development of the universal human condition. Use textual evidence to support your explanation.

Posted by Tasha and Prutha

Monday, April 11, 2011

Heart Of Darkness-G Bell- Due Friday, April 15th

Based off Joseph Conrad’s personal experiences in Europe, specifically on the Thames River, Heart Of Darkness is centered around the travels of Marlow throughout Africa and the great Congo River. Using textual evidence compare how Conrad’s novel is parallel to his realistic journeys. Use the three websites below to help with your assessment.
Posted by Caroline, Ryan, and Sydney

E Bell Heart of Darkness Due April 17

Heart of Darkness was written when British imperialism still existed and tradition and “civilization” carried a lot of importance. Delve into how the political and social situation of that time was reflected in Heart of Darkness and how it effected the action. Use textual evidence when possible.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Heart of Darkness F Bell- Due Friday, April 15th

In Joseph Conrad’s novella, Heart of Darkness, much of the action takes place in Africa, and particularly on the Congo River. However, there are also ties to Europe, where the story is being told from the Thames River. Using specific examples and textual evidence from the novella, compare and contrast the cultures of the two different regions as well as the physical settings. Be sure to especially discuss the similarities.

-Brooks, Alex, and Jessie

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

F Bell Hamlet Part II - Due Friday, April 8

Written at the outset of the seventeenth century and based on accounts of several centuries earlier, Hamlet is often regarded as remarkably modern in its treatment of themes concerning mental health, political health, and spiritual health. Choose one character, and using textual evidence from acts III, IV, and V, show their decline in any area of health listed above. Try to select a different character if one or two are being favored.
-Emily and Erin

Sunday, April 3, 2011

E Bell due Friday April 8th

Throughout Hamlet, loyalty appears to be a major theme in order to encounter betrayal to others in whom those characters are less loyal to. This entire theme is brought into the play to make Hamlet's decisions and outcomes of those decisions more difficult to come to a close. Each character in the play may appear to be more loyal to one character or another. Choose a character and write about who you believe they remain most loyal to, and why. Please use supporting evidence in your answer. If you would like to throw in a twist you may also say whom that character betrayed. The prompt is not too difficult, but be sure to support your opinion with concrete evidence.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act III (Due Friday April 9th by midnight)

Throughout Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet’s mental stability teeters on the edge of insanity, while remerging as sane during other periods. Some believe this indecisive mindset provides a front to befuddle his enemies and hide his vengeful intentions. On the other hand, some view Hamlet legitimately insane at times, a haunted character who faces his demons in the form of his father’s death, mother’s marriage, and finally call to action by the ghost. Take a solid stance of Hamlet’s mental state and defend your  position with concrete examples from the play. 
The confrontation with Ophelia (III.i), play scene (III.ii), and confrontation with his mother (III.iv) are some instances where insanity or sanity may be interpreted. 

Created by Alexander, managed by Bracey and Anna Cait