Welcome to the AP Literature Discussion Board!

You will be on this site at least once a week and hopefully more than that! Respond thoughtfully and creatively and use textual evidence or outside resources if appropriate. Embrace fabulous literature and learn from each other!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hamlet Acts One and Two G Bell (Due Friday, April 1st)

There are always common themes, symbols, and literary techniques that someone reading a Shakespearian play can pick out and analyze. Using the video above, find one theme, symbol or any other literary technique to briefly analyze in a single paragraph. Compare or contrast how the Reduced Shakespeare Company dealt with the technique.

By: Cassie and Lauren

F Bell Hamlet Acts I & II [due Friday, April 1st]

Ghosts are mysterious beings that leave many unanswered questions in the human world. However, ghosts can also possess provocative natures and appear to humans to meddle in human affairs. This was especially the case in Shakespeare's time, as people believed ghosts to merely be devils in disguise. In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Hamlet's father, King Hamlet returns to tell his son what really happened to him and request that he avenge his death. In doing so, King Hamlet reminds Prince Hamlet of the evil corruption of man from the past that will continue to exist, as well as the daunting shadow cast by religion and faith that acts as a constant reminder of what is considered good and evil. Discuss and analyze how the past play an important part in what happens in the present and future, utilizing textual evidence from either Acts I or II and one of the themes above: sin and corruption, religion, or the mysterious spiritual world. Check out the video for a quick recap of Hamlet's encounter with the Ghost if you need a refresher.

E Bell Hamlet Acts I-II, due Friday April 1, 2011

While many perceive Hamlet's primary motive in killing Claudius driven by the Ghost's plea for revenge, there are many other emotional factors that compel him to take the final step in murder. Consider at least one of the following in its role of shaping Hamlet's behavior and the final tragedy within the confines of Acts I and II: personal anger over the death of his father, anger towards Gertrude, monarchial claims, betrayal by Ophelia, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern, and hatred of Claudius or Polonius. This is an open ended prompt: be organic and thoughtful in your response. You do not have to limit yourself to the motives suggested above. Regardless, be sure to include textual evidence to support your argument.
-Brennan and Jeff